New Projects


HPV Vaccine outreach

We are happy to announce that we have received a new grant from the organization Together Women Rise, a community of women and allies who share the collective goal of global gender equality. The 2-year long grant will provide community based outreach on HPV, cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine in anticipation of the arrival of the HPV vaccine in Mali.


telemedicine conference

Through their Public Affairs Small Grants Program, the U.S. Embassy, Bamako supported the establishment of a conference focused on the usage of telemedicine in healthcare settings in both the Mali and the US. The conference will bring together healthcare professionals from both countries, as well as representatives from clinics in urban and rural Mali to better understand how telemedicine may be integrated.


Association d’Espoir makes soap!

A new supporter of GAIA, the Australian High Commission has provided funding to support a soap making project among the Association d’espoir. This group of women with HIV+ women will use the funds to make their open soap which will be sold locally. It is a regenerative income program and the funds gained will be used to build a sustainable small business.


Based in Providence, Rhode Island, EpiVax Inc. continues to be a loyal supporter of GAIA Vaccine Foundations and our daily progams in Mali. These include the Mother-to-Child Transmission program, the Free HIV testing program, Cervical Cancer Screening, the Nutrition program, and the Teen Peer Education program. We are grateful for their continued support to our well established programs over the years.